Thursday 8 August 2013

Back injury

As you all may have guessed by now, from previous posts, I am no longer the spring chicken that I used to be.  With a variety of injuries coming in various forms, and taking longer to recover each time, it's become a serious hamper to my aspirations of achieving my Dan grade.

This time, luckily, it wasn't Judo related so I could get away with it at work and with the wife.

I made the judgemental error of bending over in the garden to pick something up off the floor, and 'bang' my legs went from underneath me.

It subsequently transpired that I had bulged a disc in my lower back which in turn had pressed against the nerves etc.

This left me in a state of pain, I can honestly say I haven't experienced before.  After a week of laying in bed unable to move, on a diet of morphine and diazepam, I finally managed to get taken to the Chiropractors, who after several (expensive) visits, have got me moving again.

I don't envisage much Judo over the next couple of weeks, as I still have to be careful about picking things up or turning awkwardly.  Hopefully I can return to light training soon.

When I did manage to visit the club last Wednesday, there was a 'Get Well Soon' card waiting for me signed by several members.

I was extremely pleased to receive this, at a time when I was starting to feel quite down about the whole affair, it managed to lift my spirits.

I would therefore like to take the opportunity to thank both the club and all of the members who took time to write in the card, it was very much appreciated. 

Hopefully I will be back on the mat soon.

Georges Black belt

A big congratulations to George who has succeeded in attaining his Dan grade.

I'm sure that everyone in the club, is extremely pleased for George, who has worked very hard for it.

Great to see all of the hard work paying off for him.

Winton Carnival

Just a short post to say that Winton Carnival was another great day for the club with a lot of support from the youngsters.

A big thanks to all who attended, and helped support and promote the club in this way.

I will get some photos up, I promise!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Winton Carnival

It's that time again.  Winton Carnival in which Nokemono will be appearing again this year.

I will keep you posted as to how it goes, and hopefully I will have some photos of both the carnival and the demonstrations we will be giving.

Lets hope for nice weather, and I look forward to seeing you there.

p.s.  It is 29th June starting at 10.15 at Sainsburys in Winton.  Please attend and help support the club.

Hi again

Hello again,

Sorry for taking so long between posts, but it has been a hectic year.  Work has gone mental and I have had a few family issues to deal with so I can only apologise for my absence.

Personal judo wise, I have attained my Brown belt and really should be competing for my Dan grade.  Got to say however that not only am I a little nervous of this, but I am a little worried about my fitness levels.

Because I have been so busy my attendance at class hasn't been brilliant.  When I can train again at least twice a week, I will start attending gradings and I will let you know how it goes.

On a very positive note, I would like to congratulate Nokemono Judokwai and all of those volunteers who have given up time and energy in the running of the club.  The reason for this congratulation, is that the club has just been awarded 'The Queens Award for Volunteers'.  In effect an MBE for the club.  Great news for all and nice to be recognised in such a way.

A big thanks to Emma for nominating the club in the first place.

If you want any further information on this please visit

Hopefully it wont be so long this time, until the next post. 

Speak soon

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Referee practical exam

Follwoing my earlier attendance at the BJA referees course, I had to complete a 'practical' exam.

My practical was refereeing at the Hampshire Closed on the 16th March.  It's a bit of a 'baptism of fire' as you are literally, dropped in the deep end and referee in a live competition.

The juniors seem fine, even when you make an odd mistake its ok!  The seniors are a different ball game, especailly the ones who are 'professional' competitors.  The ones that have to win by any cost, or have to slightly bend the rules as often as possible in order to gain an edge.

With the support of several of the existing referee's I passed my practical, and I owe them thanks for helping me out during the day.

What I can definately say, is next time you compete, spare a couple of thoughts for the ref.  Firstly he is human, and will make mistakes.  Secondly he is probably a judoka himself and knows what he is talking about, and finally, not only are the competitors putting him under pressure, but also the pushy parents and loud coaches from the side. (you know who you are!)

Everyone has their opinion of the decisions made, but at the end of the day it is down to the referee.

Nokemono Rumble

The 2nd Nokemono rumble was held on the 17th March, and another good day was had by all.

Congratulations to all of those that competed, regardless of results.  It was nice to see so many people attending, and especially nice to see so many of the juniors compete.

The idea of these competitions is to get the club ready to hold, larger, regional style competitions, but at the moment, with it being just the Judoka from the club, it is a great opportunity, to gain an understanding of competition judo, and how they are conducted.

Unfortunately due to the juniors competing, I cannot post any photos here, but if you wish to see any, then please browse to the Nokemono website/facebook page, where I'm sure several photos will be posted.

Once again, a big thanks to all of the competitors, and a big thanks to everyone who helped in order for the day to happen.

1st Kyu

Finally, I have achieved my 1st Kyu.  A moment of great satisfaction.  Now all I have to do is fight sufficiently well, to justify it in my head.

A big thanks to my sensei and all of the other teachers down the club for getting me this far, despite the various injuries along the way.

Got to try and get better now, as I want to go for Dan grade points soon, so it looks like I had better up my Judo standard.

Obviously as I go for points sessions, I will let you know how it progresses, although I've got a funny feeling, that it will not simply consist of completing my line up!

Two fights, maybe, three in a row, but five.  We will have to see.

BJA Referee course

I attended the BJA referees' course on the 2nd March at AWE Judo club, Aldermaston.

Along with two other seniors and several juniors, the course was run for all levels of referee.  It was a good day and I thoroughly recommend doing the course, to anyone who competes or is interested in Judo competition. 

Even if you do not wish to become a 'long term' referee it is excellent for explaining the rules, that everyone should know. 

The course was taught by an International level referee, and contained something for everyone, at the end of the day a theory test was given, which consisted of multiple choice questions and answers.  Different questions were for different referees', as a senior, mine were intended for the BJA Area referee award, but juniors completed various levels of junior referee.

I can honestly say, that for £7 I recommend this course for all, and it gives you another aspect to your Judo.

Monday 18 February 2013

Christmas recognition

For those of you who couldn't make it to the belated Christmas party, the awards given out were as follows:

Certificate of Thanks

Samantha Scott

Graham Savill

Certificate of nokémono knockout

Wayne Nennstiel

Stuart Milburn

Rhiannon Lawrence

Certificate for the best newcomer


Finn Johnson

Mike Clayton

Certificate for most Improvement

Brad Way

Mark Collins

Chloe Hughes

Courtney Way

Certificate for Most supportive parent

Pam Hewitt

Certificate for most Improvement

Sam Metcher

Grid 7 Certificates
Molly Butler Grid three

Jack Butler Grid three

Jacob Appleton Grid three
Wayne Nennstiel Grid five

Thanks again to all who attended!